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SPELL Version 2.0.3
SPELL (worm)
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# Results:
Options for Filtering Results by
Dataset Tags
Dataset Tags
Method: microarray
Tissue Specific: neuron
Topic: natural variant
Method: proteomics
Tissue Specific: other
Topic: programmed cell death
Method: RNAseq
Tissue Specific: reproductive system
Topic: response to chemical
Method: tiling array
Topic: aging
Topic: response to hypoxia
Species: Brugia malayi
Topic: dauer larval development
Topic: response to osmotic stress
Species: Caenorhabditis brenneri
Topic: developmental time course
Topic: response to radiation
Species: Caenorhabditis briggsae
Topic: disease
Topic: response to starvation
Species: Caenorhabditis elegans
Topic: DNA binding
Topic: response to temperature stimulus
Species: Caenorhabditis japonica
Topic: DNA repair
Topic: response to unfolded protein
Species: Caenorhabditis remanei
Topic: dosage compensation
Topic: RNA interference
Species: Onchocerca volvulus
Topic: embryo development
Topic: RNAi gene function study
Species: Pristionchus pacificus
Topic: gene expression - general
Topic: space flight
Species: Strongyloides ratti
Topic: gene expression – general
Topic: unclassified
Tissue Specific: alimentary system
Topic: gene silencing by miRNA
Topic: vulval development
Tissue Specific: germline
Topic: innate immune response
Tissue Specific: muscle
Topic: lipid metabolic process
SPELL (Serial Pattern of Expression Levels Locator) is a query-driven search engine for large gene expression microarray compendia. Given a small set of query genes, SPELL identifies which datasets are most informative for these genes, then within those datasets additional genes are identified with expression profiles most similar to the query set. This instance of SPELL currently contains 402 datasets representing 6825 experiments.
To use SPELL, simply enter a set of
gene names (defined by WormBase ) into the text box above and then click the "Search" button.
Please note that the "Filtering Results by Dataset Tags" feature simply filters the datasets for display purposes. It does not affect the SPELL search algorithm.
Need help getting started with SPELL? Check out the video tutorial. Additional help may be obtained by hovering over the help icon wherever you see it.
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